Extended School Year (ESY) 2024

ESY Teacher


The Sunnyvale School District is accepting teacher applications for the special education summer program for elementary, middle school, and preschool students. Staff will provide instruction and/or direct therapies that target skill maintenance, appropriate behavior, and prevention of regression to facilitate the generalization of skills within an effective learning environment. Positions are available for SDC teachers and Resource teachers.


Summer program components:


Work Days:  Students will attend school 19 days: June 27 - July 25. Teachers have 3 additional afterschool planning sessions (Zoom - 5/6, 5/20, 6/3 - 4:00-5:30 pm) before the close of the 23-24 school year, and 2 days to set up classrooms (6/25, 6/26). Any (non-medical) planned absences must be approved by the district before accepting a summer contract. No work/school on 7/4 and 7/5.

Tentative Locations: TBD



Student hours: 

Teacher hours: 

*Extended hours two days a week to include collaborative planning and staffing.


Program Focus


Process for Application:

  1. Express interest through Talent Ed by 4:00 p.m. on Jan 26, 2024.  
  2. Meet with Sunnyvale program administrators for an interview.


Salary: $6,000 for: 


Please reach out to chinchin.chiu@sesd.org and jhuma.kanungo@sesd.org with any questions.